Refresh map addresses

  • Last Post 21 November 2015
christine posted this 21 November 2015

I am intersted in using this map program to map out our office locations for our company. If I am the administrator for the map and I share it with our staff and if I make an address correction or add/delete an office location as the administrator will the staff be able to see that change next timet he connect to the shared map or will I have to send out a new link to the map? Also is that how you "share" a map with others through a link?

Admin posted this 21 November 2015

If you make an address correction the changes will be reflected on the map that you are sharing. You don't need to re-send the link again. When the other people connect to your map again they will see the changes.

As to the second question; yes, you share the map sending a link to whoever you want to share it with. But you need to click the "Turn On Map Sharing" button, otherwise when other people access the link to your map they will not see the pins. Basically this functionality allow you to stop access to your map.   You can also set a password to protect your map from other people to access it.   Click the "Share Map" button from the tool bar and select the maps you want to share and set a password if you want.
