I currently load pins on my computer and then follow them on my iPhone. When I complete a pin location I save from red to green letting me know that I have completed the pin. The problem: Every time I save the change the map pulls way out to North America! I'm in New York City and only need this area of the map til I decide to zoom out. It's very time consuming.
How do I set the zoom level on this map?
- Last Post 15 June 2017
The map is set to “Fit to Bounds” by default. The "Fit To Bounds" option will center and zoom the map optimally so that all overlays (pins) are visible at once glance.
You can change this behavior. Drag the map with your mouse to the location you want, click the zoom in/out button
as you need, then click the Edit Map button from the map toolbar, switch the “Fit to Bounds” to off, last click the save button. That's all.
You can zoom in or zoom out again if you need to edit the map as many times as you need to find the most convenient view for your needs.
If you’re a paid user, you can also use the same trick to add "snapshots to your map". You can set many different views of your map using the snapshots functionality. https://www.pinmaps.net/tutorials/#addMapSnapshot