Can I include pin label when creating a PDF?

  • Last Post 21 January 2016
AlexRimington posted this 21 January 2016


I have completed my map and have created the PDF but only the pins show.  Is there a way to link the pins to the names I have created for them?

I know you can print the list seprately but is there anyway to tie them together.

This is a map of where some of our offices are located all over the country and i would like to be able to show the company name on the map as well.


Admin posted this 21 January 2016


Thank you for your question.
The lables and also the overlays like circles, squares and lines are added on to the PDF document by default.
Make sure that the labels are showing on the map before you convert to PDF.

Do you have a lot of pins with labels?
If everything looks good on your map, but you're still not showing the labels, it might be possible that the
conversion system need more time to render all the labels for the PDF document.

Try to increase the conversion time (wait time) function that is available on the conversion window. The default
wait time is 4 seconds, but you can go all the way up to 10 seconds. Experiment with different wait time setting
to see if it helps.

If is not working at all, please contact us throught the contact form on our web site and let us know your user
name so we can run some tests.
